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Miért érdemes téli gumit használni? A MICHELIN elmagyarázza.

Tippek és tanácsok: személyautó, SUV és kishaszongépjármű abroncsok

The purpose of this article (s) is to provide guidance on tire selection and to provide timely and accurate information to readers based on science, technology, test results and Michelin experience. If we become aware of incorrect or inaccurate information in the article (s), we will endeavor to correct it. However, Michelin does not accept any responsibility or liability for the information published in the articles, which is without exception general in nature, not necessarily complete, accurate or up-to-date at the time of reading, nor does it constitute legal or expert advice.


* Institute of Traffic Accident Research (VUFO) University of Dresden: 12,000 accidents analysed over a period of 12 years.

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